Results for 'Stephen A. Migueles'

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  1.  30
    Should All Research Subjects Be Treated the Same?Baruch Brody, Stephen A. Migueles & David Wendler - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):17-20.
    One of the founding principles of research ethics is that subjects should be treated equally. In the words of the Belmont Report, “equals ought to be treated equally.” This principle does not imply that all subjects should be treated exactly the same. Rather, subjects who are similar in relevant respects should receive similar treatment. Clinical status is clearly relevant to determining how subjects should be treated. Greater resources should be devoted to subjects who have worse diseases. In contrast, fame is (...)
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    Political speeches and journalism (1923-1929).Miguel de Unamuno & Stephen G. H. Roberts - 1996 - Exeter Hispanic Texts.
    This book reprints a wide variety of articles and speeches for the first time since they appeared in Spanish and foreign journals and in clandestine broadsheets from France. Some censored material has been restored.
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  3. Kierkegaard's Aesthete and Unamuno's Niebla.Jan E. Evans & C. Stephen Evans - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):342-352.
    What is truly beautiful? For Søren Kierkegaard the beautiful is to be found in an integrated self, one that is freely chosen. This article explores Kierkegaard's "aesthetic" stage of existence through the character of Augusto Pérez, the protagonist of Miguel de Unamuno's novel, Niebla. After establishing a solid link between Unamuno and Kierkegaard, Kierkegaard's "ethical" stage is used to critique the "aesthetic" stage on aesthetic grounds, on the basis of the beauty found in life's work, a calling. The conclusion is (...)
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    Silence Et Langage: Genèse de la Phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty au Seuil de L’Ontologie.Stephen A. Noble - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    In Silence et langage Stephen A. Noble offers a new interpretation of the development of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology which analyses the central position of language within a philosophy of perception predicated upon the interdependence of seeing and speaking.
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  5. Is Aristotelian happiness a good life or the best life?Stephen A. White - 1990 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 8:103-44.
  6. 11. What Does Knowledge Explain? Commentary on Jennifer Nagel,'Knowledge as a Mental State'.Stephen A. Butterfill - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 4:309.
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    Virtue reformed: rereading Jonathan Edwards's ethics.Stephen A. Wilson - 2005 - Boston: Brill.
    Drawing on Protestant scholasticism, Puritan "precisionism," and virtue ethics, "Virtue Reformed" offers a comprehensive rereading of the ethical position of ...
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    De la conscience et du comportement a la conscience perceptive : critiques et enjeux d'une pensee en devenir.Stephen A. Noble - 2008 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2:127-147.
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  9. Conscience and behaviour of the perceptive conscience: critiques and issues of a thought to come. Unseen works by and about Merleau-Ponty, 1940-1945.Stephen A. Noble - 2008 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 62 (244):127-147.
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  10. Renaud Barbaras, Desire and Distance: Introduction to a Phenomenology of Perception Reviewed by.Stephen A. Noble - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (5):320-323.
  11.  45
    An anthology of psychiatric ethics.Stephen A. Green & Sidney Bloch (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This title includes the following features: Presents a comprehensivediscussion of the central issues of psychiatric ethics, defining and exploringeach of these issues; Contains essential readings for each of these central issues, providing in onevolume readings that would otherwise be difficult to obtain; Includes introductory essays that provide a comprehensive overview of eachissue, efficiently and effectively organizing the reader's approach to theselected readings; Draws on the success of the well-known and respected 'PsychiatricEthics'.
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  12. Methodological Neutrality in Pragmatism and Phenomenology.Stephen A. Erickson - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 15:145.
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    William Thomas Jones 1910-1998.Stephen A. Erickson - 1999 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 72 (5):209 - 210.
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  14. Entangled Histories, Entangled Worlds : Reflections on Time, Space, and Place.Stephen A. Mrozowski - 2016 - In Lindsay Der & Francesca Fernandini (eds.), Archaeology of entanglement. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
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    International order: a political history.Stephen A. Kocs - 2019 - Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
    Traces the rise and fall of successive international systems from medieval times to the present, showing how international order is created, how it is maintained, and why it breaks down.
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  16. Freemen, Sovereign Citizens, and the Challenge to Public Order in British Heritage Countries.Stephen A. Kent - 2015 - 6:1–16.
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  17. Personality and Individual Differences.Stephen A. Petrill & Nathan Brody - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler (eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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    Relational Psychoanalysis 3 Volume Set.Stephen A. Mitchell, Lewis Aron, Adrienne Harris & Melanie Suchet (eds.) - 1978 - Routledge.
    Over the course of the past 15 years, there has been a vast sea change in American psychoanalysis. It takes the form of a broad movement away from classical psychoanalytic theorizing grounded in Freud's drive theory toward models of mind and development grounded in object relations concepts. In clinical practice, there has been a corresponding movement away from the classical principles of neutrality, abstinence and anonymity toward an interactive vision of the analytic situation that places the analytic relationship, with its (...)
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  19. Existential Relation as Principle of Individuation.Stephen A. Hipp - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (1):67-106.
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    Human Presence: At the Boundaries of Meaning.Stephen A. Erickson - 1984 - Mercer University Press.
    In Human Presence Erickson offers a thoughtful study of some fundamental features of human nature central to a theoretical and therapeutic understanding of human existence. Though the language employed is largely philosophical, interfaces with psychoanalysis and religion are made in order to stimulate dialogue that reaches beyond the traditional boundaries of discipline. It is toward more such dialogue that Human Presence serves as preparation. The author provides a probing contrast between traditional psychoanalysis and existential conceptions of time consciousness and he (...)
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  21. Air power and non-combatant immunity: the road to Dresden.Stephen A. Garrett - 2005 - In Igor Primoratz (ed.), Civilian immunity in war. Clarendon Press.
  22. Rule-based rights and court-ordered rights.Stephen A. Smith - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson (eds.), Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  23.  21
    (1 other version)The Developing Mind: A Philosophical Introduction.Stephen A. Butterfill - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The development of children’s minds raises fundamental psychological and scientific questions, from how we are able to know about and describe basic aspects of the world such as words, numbers and colours to how we come to grasp causes, actions and intentions. This is the first book to properly introduce and examine philosophical questions concerning children’s cognitive development and considers the implications of scientific breakthroughs for the philosophy of developmental psychology. Each chapter explores a central topic in developmental psychology from (...)
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  24. Taylor Carman and Mark BN Hansen, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty Reviewed by.Stephen A. Noble - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (6):393-397.
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  25. Phenomenology in America: Studies in the philosophy of experience.Stephen A. Erickson - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):501-504.
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    The Relevance of Meditative Thinking.Stephen A. Erickson - 1991 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 5 (1):25 - 41.
  27. The IACUC and laboratory animal resources.Stephen A. Felt & Sherril L. Green - 2015 - In Whitney Petrie & Sonja L. Wallace (eds.), The care and feeding of an IACUC: the organization and management of an institutional animal care and use committee. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  28. The psychiatrist and the pharmaceutical industry.Stephen A. Green - 1981 - In Sidney Bloch & Stephen A. Green (eds.), Psychiatric ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  29. How to Construct a Minimal Theory of Mind.Stephen A. Butterfill & Ian A. Apperly - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (5):606-637.
    What could someone represent that would enable her to track, at least within limits, others' perceptions, knowledge states and beliefs including false beliefs? An obvious possibility is that she might represent these very attitudes as such. It is sometimes tacitly or explicitly assumed that this is the only possible answer. However, we argue that several recent discoveries in developmental, cognitive, and comparative psychology indicate the need for other, less obvious possibilities. Our aim is to meet this need by describing the (...)
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  30.  38
    Thomas Hobbes and the Debate Over Natural Law and Religion.Stephen A. State - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The argument laid out in this book discusses and interprets the work of Hobbes in relation to religion. It compares a traditional interpretation of Hobbes where Hobbes’ use of conventional terminology when talking about natural law is seen as ironic or merely convenient despite an atheist viewpoint, with the view that Hobbes’ morality is truly traditional and Christian. The book considers other thinkers of the age in tandem with Hobbes and discusses in detail his theology inspired by corporeal mechanics. The (...)
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    The Participation and Motivations of Grant Peer Reviewers: A Comprehensive Survey.Stephen A. Gallo, Lisa A. Thompson, Karen B. Schmaling & Scott R. Glisson - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):761-782.
    Scientific peer reviewers play an integral role in the grant selection process, yet very little has been reported on the levels of participation or the motivations of scientists to take part in peer review. The American Institute of Biological Sciences developed a comprehensive peer review survey that examined the motivations and levels of participation of grant reviewers. The survey was disseminated to 13,091 scientists in AIBS’s proprietary database. Of the 874 respondents, 76% indicated they had reviewed grant applications in the (...)
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    Measuring the speed of the conscious components of recognition memory: Remembering is faster than knowing.Stephen A. Dewhurst, Selina J. Holmes, Karen R. Brandt & Graham M. Dean - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):147-162.
    Three experiments investigated response times for remember and know responses in recognition memory. RTs to remember responses were faster than RTs to know responses, regardless of whether the remember–know decision was preceded by an old/new decision or was made without a preceding old/new decision . The finding of faster RTs for R responses was also found when remember–know decisions were made retrospectively. These findings are inconsistent with dual-process models of recognition memory, which predict that recollection is slower and more effortful (...)
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  33.  38
    Goals and targets: a developmental puzzle about sensitivity to others’ actions.Stephen A. Butterfill - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 17):3969-3990.
    Sensitivity to others’ actions is essential for social animals like humans and a fundamental requirement for any kind of social cognition. Unsurprisingly, it is present in humans from early in the first year of life. But what processes underpin infants’ sensitivity to others’ actions? Any attempt to answer this question must solve twin puzzles about the development of goal tracking. Why does some, but not all, of infants’ goal tracking appear to be limited by their abilities to represent the observed (...)
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  34.  48
    A gender difference in the false recall of negative words: Women DRM more than men.Stephen A. Dewhurst, Rachel J. Anderson & Lauren M. Knott - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):65-74.
  35. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, O Il Percorso Di Un Filosofo: Elementi per una biografi a intellettuale.Stephen A. Noble - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:113-157.
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    New departures in Marxian theory.Stephen A. Resnick & Richard D. Wolff (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Routledge.
    Over the last twenty-five years, Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff have developed a groundbreaking interpretation of Marxian theory generally and of Marxian economics in particular. This book brings together their key contributions and underscores their different interpretations. In facing and trying to resolve contradictions and lapses within Marxism, the authors have confronted the basic incompatibilities among the dominant modern versions of Marxian theory, and the fact that Marxism seemed cut off from the criticisms of determinist modes of thought offered (...)
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  37.  34
    Frequency and Type of Conflicts of Interest in the Peer Review of Basic Biomedical Research Funding Applications: Self-Reporting Versus Manual Detection.Stephen A. Gallo, Michael Lemaster & Scott R. Glisson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):189-197.
    Despite the presumed frequency of conflicts of interest in scientific peer review, there is a paucity of data in the literature reporting on the frequency and type of conflicts that occur, particularly with regard to the peer review of basic science applications. To address this gap, the American Institute of Biological Sciences conducted a retrospective analysis of conflict of interest data from the peer review of 282 biomedical research applications via several onsite review panels. The overall conflicted-ness of these panels (...)
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    The Plowshare of the Tongue: the Progress of a Symbol from the Bible to Piers Plowman.Stephen A. Barney - 1973 - Mediaeval Studies 35 (1):261-293.
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    Nietzsche and Heraclitus.Stephen A. Nimis & Jackson P. Hershbell - 1979 - Nietzsche Studien 8 (1):17-38.
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    Perceiving expressions of emotion: What evidence could bear on questions about perceptual experience of mental states?Stephen A. Butterfill - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:438-451.
  41. The relative efficiency of propositional proof systems.Stephen A. Cook & Robert A. Reckhow - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (1):36-50.
  42.  26
    Inheriting a structural scaffold for Golgi biosynthesis.Stephen A. Jesch - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (7):584-587.
    In animal cells, the Golgi complex undergoes reversible disassembly during mitosis. The disassembly/reassembly process has been intensively studied in order to understand the mechanisms that govern organelle assembly and inheritance during cell division. A long‐standing controversy in the field has been whether formation of Golgi structure is template‐mediated or self‐organizes from components of the endoplasmic reticulum. A recent study1 however, has demonstrated that a subset of proteins that form a putative Golgi matrix can be inherited during cell division in the (...)
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    John Locke’s seed lists: a case study in botanical exchange.Stephen A. Harris & Peter R. Anstey - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (4):256-264.
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of four seed lists in the journals of John Locke. These lists provide a window into a fascinating open network of botanical exchange in the early 1680s which included two of the leading botanists of the day. Pierre Magnol of Montpellier and Jacob Bobart the Younger of Oxford. The provenance and significance of the lists are assessed in relation to the relevant extant herbaria and plant catalogues from the period. The lists and associated correspondence (...)
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    A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1958-1969.Stephen A. Kaufman & B. Jongeling - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):397.
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    A Commentary on the Palestinian Talmud. A Study of the Development of the Halakah and Haggadah in Palestine and Babylonia.Stephen A. Kaufman & Louis Ginzberg - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):589.
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    A Scholar's Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian AramaicA Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period.Stephen A. Kaufman & Michael Sokoloff - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):239.
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Or The Pathway Of Philosophy: Desiderata for an Intellectual Biography.Stephen A. Noble - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:63-112.
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ou Le Parcours D’Un Philosophe: Éléments pour une biographie intellectuelle.Stephen A. Noble - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:19-61.
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    On the Materiality of Images: Philosophy, Painting, and Cinema. Review of Mauro Carbone’s The Flesh of Images.Stephen A. Noble - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (1):142-151.
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  50. Renaud Barbaras, The Being of the Phenomenon: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology Reviewed by.Stephen A. Noble - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (2):77-79.
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